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Welcome to McGill Experimental Syntax Reading Group

November 21st, 2017

Please note that the time and location for this meeting differs from other ones!

Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday November 28th 4:00-5:00 pm at the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders - Room 831 (2001 McGill College). We will be discussing Neurophysiological dynamics of phrase-structure building For that purpose, we will read Nelson et al.(2017).

See you on Tuesday !

November 8th, 2017

Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday November 14th 3:00-4:00 pm at the Rabinovitch house (3640 rue de la Montagne). We will be discussing Working Memory models in relationship with semantic and syntactic interference. For that purpose, we will read Tan, Martin & Van Dyke (2017). You can find supplementary material here.

See you on Tuesday !

October 25th, 2017

Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday October 31th 3:00-4:00 pm at the Rabinovitch house (3640 rue de la Montagne). If you somehow have difficulties getting inside the Rabinovitch house, you can call us 514 441 8780.

Before celebrating Halloween, we will be discussing Wittenberg & Levy (2017)

We hope to see you there!

October 9th, 2017

Our first meeting for this year will take place on Tuesday October 17th 3:00-4:00 pm at the Rabinovitch house (3640 rue de la Montagne). If you somehow have difficulties getting inside the Rabinovitch house, you can call us 514 441 8780.

For our first session, we will be discussing Friederici et al. (2017)

We hope to see you there!

September 28th, 2017

The experimental syntax reading group will continue this semester, however instead of having one meeting every week, we will have one every two weeks. Our first meeting is going to take place in two weeks, if you are interested please fill out the doodle below before Wednesday, October 4th:

Doodle Link